Human Resources

The Human Resources Department is responsible for administering the City of Opp and the Opp Utilities Board Human Resources functions and services. This office develops and distributes policies and supervises adherence to policies, ensures compliance with federal and state laws and guidelines, maintains official personnel records, maintains job descriptions and manages employee benefits.

Job announcements will be posted on this website, at the Opp Utilities Board Office, and within City and Utilities Board departments, as well as advertised in the local newspaper.  Applications will be accepted only during the period of time in which the job posting is actively open.  Applications can be picked up or downloaded via the Job Application button on the right and returned or mailed to the location listed below. The Human Resources Department is open Monday thru Friday    8 am – 5 pm.

The City of Opp and the Opp Utilities Board are Equal Employment Opportunity employers. The City of Opp and the Opp Utilities Board intends to provide equal employment opportunity to all individuals and to employ applicants on the basis of their job-related qualifications and performance potential without regard to age, sex, religion, race, color, national origin, political affiliation, disability, or military status (except where age, sex, or a physical/mental ability constitutes a bona-fide occupational qualification).

Thank you for your interest in career opportunities with the City of Opp and the Opp Utilities Board.  All applicants will receive impartial consideration; therefore, it is very important for you to provide us with the information which best qualifies you for the desired position.

Applications may be rejected if they are incomplete, or if supporting information is not submitted as required.

Career Opportunities


                                    No Openings


                                        Lineman I 

                                        Lineman II

                         Water Well Maintenance Operator –                                                    Water/Wastewater Department 

You can mail or fax your resume and application using the information below:

Resume NOT accepted without application

City of Opp/Opp Utilities Board
ATTN: Human Resources Department

109 East Hart Ave

P.O. Box 610
Opp, AL 36467

Fax: (334) 493-6666

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City of Opp, Alabama